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Making a difference

Submit your general purpose grant report


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Grant Reference Number *

Organisation Name *

Organisation website

Organisation Description *

Please describe the purpose and goals of your organisation.

Primary Area of Focus

What is the primary area of focus for your organisation's work? Please choose a broad area of focus then select a more specific area from the options that appear.

Primary Area Level 1 *

Tackling Inequality
Strengthening Democracy
Supporting Indigenous Communities
Safeguarding the Environment
Building A Culturally Vibrant Society

Secondary Area of Focus

If your organisation has a secondary area of focus, please select the broad area of focus from Level 1 and the more specific level of focus from Level 2.

Secondary Area Level 1

Tackling Inequality
Strengthening Democracy
Supporting Indigenous Communities
Safeguarding the Environment
Building A Culturally Vibrant Society

Location of Activities


Tell us about the people who benefit from your organisation's work

What age group(s) does your organisation support? Please select all that apply or select General population if specific age group(s) were not targeted.

Early years (0-5)
Youth (6-25)
Adults (26-64)
Seniors (65+)
General population

Does your organisation have a specific gender focus? *

Diverse gender identity and sexual characteristics
No specific gender focus

What is the primary population group that benefits from your organisation's activities? *

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and people from CALD backgrounds
Flora / fauna (for environmental projects)
General population
LGBTQI people
People experiencing or at risk of homelessness
People experiencing socio-economic disadvantage or vulnerability
People with a disability, illness or disease
Professional workforce
Unemployed people
Not applicable
The primary population group is the largest and/or most significant group that benefited from your activities.

Is there a secondary population group that benefits from your organisation's work in addition to the one identified above? *


Additional Comments

If you would like to provide any comments on the population groups your organisation benefits, please do so here.


Tell us about your organisation's achievements

What did you do? (150 – 250 words) *

What activities did your organisation undertake? When and where did they happen? Who was involved? Maximum 250 words.

What difference did it make? (150 – 250 words) *

Please describe any changes that have occurred as a result of your organisation's work. Please describe how your activities contributed to these changes. Maximum 250 words.

What did you learn? (150 – 250 words) *

What worked well, what didn't, and why? What will you be improving in the future? Maximum 250 words.

To what extent did this grant contribute to achieving your organisational goal(s)? *

Very little – we would have achieved our goals anyway
Moderately – we probably would have achieved our goals anyway but this grant got us there more quickly and/or helped us achieve more
To a great extent – it's unlikely we would have achieved our goals without this grant

Upload any relevant media

We would love to receive any photos, stories or media clips we can use to share the results of your work with our donors and the general public.

Please note that we will assume you have received informed consent to use any of the images and stories you provide.

Tell us about your organisation's finances

Please attach your organisation's annual financial report or another relevant financial report.

Is there anything else you would like us to know about this grant?


What's Next?

Please describe any future plans you would like us to know about


Contact Details

Contact Name *

Phone *

Email *

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