Got a question about submitting your proposal?
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There are four sections to this form: (1) Your organisation; (2) Your project; (3) Budget details; and (4) Contact details.
If you are preparing your proposal from scratch, this form may take up to several hours to complete. You can save your progress at any point and return later by clicking the ‘Save and continue later’ button and retrieving your unique link. This button appears when you begin the form. We recommend sending the link to your inbox for quick access.
Please note: This website does not support Internet Explorer. We recommend using Google Chrome 75.0 or above
Organisation Name *
Organisation Summary (150 – 250 words) *
Organisation Logo Upload (Square dimensions)
Is your organisation eligible to receive tax-deductible donations (i.e. has DGR1 status)? *
Note: non-DGR1 organisations are still eligible to apply for funding. A 'non-tax-deductible' label will be added to your project on the Granting Opportunities platform.
Project Title (Max. 40 characters) *
Project Image Upload (1200px wide x 600px high) *
Project Location *
Start Date *
End Date *
Target Population Served
Primary Group *
Secondary Group
Focus Area
Primary Area *
Secondary Area
Project Description (150 – 250 words) *
Project Expected Outcome (150 – 250 words) *
Documentation Upload (PDF only)
Please note that any documents uploaded will be publicly available from your project page.
Total project budget *
How much funding are you seeking from Australian Communities Foundation? *
Enter the project's funding sources (confirmed and unconfirmed). The total should match the project's expenses total.
Funding Source *
Amount ($) *
Funding Total (calculates automatically) *
Enter the project's expenses. The total should match the above funding sources total.
Expense Item *
Expense Amount ($) *
Expenses Total (calculates automatically) *
Contact Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Position/Role *
Address *
Suburb/Town *
Postcode *
State *
If you are using an unsupported browser or are having difficulties with the online application form, you are welcome to download the fillable PDF and submit your application to along with the relevant attachments.
Got a question about submitting your proposal?